The vacililation of opinions regarding the U.S. military involvement in Libya inspired this poem. President Obama was prudent and cautious. The requests came in from the rebels first, then the EU, then the UN authorized a mission to "protect civilians" among other things, and even the Arab League was calling out for assistance . . . they woke the unpredictable nature of an international miltary engagement . . .
Waking the Monster
"Help," they cried
You watch us die
Like reality TV
But less personal
Even the babies
"Help!" they screamed
You witness slaughter
Claim you care
But you are nowhere
We need food . . . and force!
"Help," they pled
Before all are dead
Freedom just a word
Effective popaganda
Like 'Strategic Interest'
"Help," they begged
Our cause near lost
Towns shattered
Lives battered
Thought we mattered
HELP!" they cried
"Yes," I sighed
And help I tried
But, many died
On both sides
"ENOUGH!" they cried
Too much destruction
Too many deaths
I know, but I can't
Not now, not yet